Schedule a Tour:

Call or email through our contact form to schedule a tour or discovery day with our directors.

Ready to enroll?

Download the form to start the registration process.

Register Your Child:

Step 1: Pick up enrollment forms when you visit or download forms here

Step 2: Upload forms by selecting the desired school from the drop-down menu and selecting the forms on your PC and then clicking Upload.

    Find Your File

    Click Upload to Submit

    Step 3: Schedule follow up call or visit if required

    General Information

    Click on any of the links below to learn more

    See Your Child in Class:

    Learn More
    Ivy Kids is proud to partner with WatchMeGrow’s classroom monitoring program.

    You can sign up to see a live stream of your child’s classroom from your smartphone or desktop computer.


    For iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad: please look for the free WatchMeGrow app in the iPhone Apps on the App Store.

    For Android Devices: Please look for the free WatchMeGrow app in the Play Store.

    Tuition Payment Options

    You may pay online using our Procare payment system.

    Login to MyProcare to make online payments, access on-demand account records, manage child schedules, print tax statements and more. Once you click the link you will be redirected to the My Procare page. Enter your email address you have provided to the center to get started. You may also contact your centers management team to opt for Automated Clearing House (ACH) for automated payments from your bank account.

    Year-Old Program

    Vaccination Schedule

    The health and safety of our children is our top priority. Please visit the CDC website and download the latest Vaccination Schedules. Following these published guidelines for immunization is a vital first step to ensuring the health and safety of all children.

    Health Statement:
    As per the Texas Minimum Standards, Ivy Kids requires a health statement from a physician stating the child has been examined within the past 12 months and can attend group care. A letter from the physician or physician’s signature on our enrollment form can fulfill this requirement and must be completed prior to the date of admission.

    Check Ivy Kids® Holiday schedule

    Ivy Kids remains open during long school holidays for your convenience. However, Ivy Kids will remain closed for all staff and children on the following public holidays:

    • President’s Day
    • Good Friday
    • Memorial Day
    • Independence Day
    • Labor Day
    • Columbus Day
    • Thanksgiving Day & the day after Thanksgiving
    • Christmas Day & the day after Christmas
    • New Year’s Day

    If a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it may be observed either on Friday or Monday. Parents will be notified well in advance.